


Welmica – Precautions from laminate cracking!

Welmica - Precautions from laminate cracking!

Laminates are used extensively to beautify and bring elegance to the interiors of numerous places these days. They illuminate the place with brightness, charm and grace. It is the top choice of most designers and brings refinement to their work!


Every beautiful object has a dark streak to it. Laminates are delicate objects and hence one has to be particularly careful while its installation and future use.

Let us go through the causes of cracks in laminates:

  • Laminates are not made of plastic and therefore they react with changing weather and existing climate. At times because of the severe weather conditions, the temperatures cause the laminates to shrink and cause cracks.
  • Faulty edges and hairline cracks also make the laminate susceptible to cracking in the future.

Precautionary measures to avoid cracks in laminates:

  • Keep the laminates and substrate away from any kind of moisture while storing them. 
  • Understand the importance to acclimate the laminates according to the place of installation for at least 48 hours.
  • Press the laminates in a horizontal position between plywood material to keep it from wearing off or from any kind of damage. 
  • Keep a note to level any abrupt ending or cut on the edges of the laminates with sandpaper.
  • Always keep a distance of 2mm while joining two laminates to save it from overlapping and cracks.
  • Do not use nails to place anything on the laminates, use a drill carefully to make a hole. Directly inserting a nail makes the laminate prone to cracks.
  • Use protectors on the edges as cracked corners cause further decay of the laminates.

Follow all the instructions on the instruction manual carefully. For any further assistance, contact us.